Pocomoke Elks Lodge Chicken BBQ and Car Show

The Pocomoke Elks Lodge is having a Chicken BBQ on Saturday, July 1st.  1/2 Chicken, Baked Beans and a Roll for $10 (advance tickets available at First Shore Federal and Hertrich Chevrolet, Pocomoke) or $12 the day of.  The Eastern Shore Cruisers will be hosting a Car Show in memory of Ed & Betty Selby, going on at the same time!  Get some chicken and check out some cool classic cars!  More info:  Call Andy at 410-430-4379.


Venue: Pocomoke Elks Lodge
Address: Rt 113, Pocomoke City, MD
Date: 2023-07-01
Start Time: 10:00
End Time: 13:00